Extending the Life Of Your Tires

Extending the Life Of Your Tires
Ensuring that your tires effectively grip the pavement is extremely important when maintaining a safe position on the road and assessing your vehicle's performance. While it might be easy to overlook, we at Number 7 Honda are here to offer you tips on how to increase the life of your tires and to remind you to drop by for your regularly scheduled tire inspection, rotations, and care. This way, you can maintain a safe driving experience while extending their lifespan. Contact us for more information or visit our Honda Service Centre today.
Tire Pressure
Research has shown that up to 70% of cars on the road have at least one under-inflated tire. Maintaining and regularly checking tire pressure will help extend tire life and lessen fuel consumption. Each time you check your Honda's tire pressures, you should also inspect the tires for foreign objects, wear, and damage.
Wheel Balancing
Correct wheel balance helps prevent unnecessary wear to the tires, steering, and suspension components and provides a more enjoyable driving experience. Wheel balance naturally changes as tires wear and should be periodically checked when you change or rotate tires, especially if you notice speed-related trembling while driving.
Wheel balancing should be done when replacing tires or removing a tire from a wheel for any reason.
Wheel Alignment
Misaligned wheels can cause rapid and uneven tire wear. It is typical for wheel alignment to change through the vehicle's life as wear accumulates, mostly if the car is driven on coarse roads. Suppose irregular tire wear or damage is found during vehicle maintenance or checking tire pressures, or your Honda now has symptoms such as pulling to one side or that the steering wheel is not centred when driving straight. In that case, the wheel alignment should be checked and corrected if needed.
When Should You Have Your Tires Inspected At Number 7 Honda?
Some warning signs will let you know your tires are no longer performing at an optimal level. If your steering wheel begins to quiver when reaching speeds over 60 km/h, then that means you are experiencing tire imbalance due to pressure loss. If this continues to go ignored, it could result in a popped tire. This can be dangerous for you and everyone else on the roadway.
Another sign is if you continually have to inflate your tires. At this point, it might be a good idea to have your entire set replaced since your components are no longer performing as they should.
If you notice low tread levels, cracks in the sidewall, or uneven wear, then you are overdue for a visit. Schedule a service appointment at Number 7 Honda Service Centre.